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Bayview strip gets $300,000 worth of new sidewalks, more benches

The Bayview sidewalks between Millwood and Fleming have had a rough time.

"Hydro went in there and did some work," says Councillor John Parker, of the strip's concrete tribulations that began about four years ago. "I think Toronto Water went in and did some work, and it's probable that Enbridge made a cut. Typically, when one person makes a cut, everyone dives in."

As Parker points out, this little bit of Leaside is a pretty active strip, so it got noticed, and was a bit of a pain and a lot of an eyesore.

So this month, two months after it was originally scheduled and several years later than many in the area thought it ought to have been tended to, work is being done on the sidewalk, one storefront at a time. "They move pretty fast," Parker says. "I think they're at one location a day, maybe more than one per day."

Since it was the utilities who tore it all up in the first place, it's the utilities, and not the taxpayers (or at least, not the taxpayers directly), who are footing the approximately $300,000 bill.

With the work already scheduled, Parker decided it would be a good idea to get rid of the concrete planters, add a few extra benches and ring-and-posts for the bikes, and gather the previously scattered newspaper boxes into little clusters. The work, Parker says, should be done by the end of the month.

Writer: Bert Archer
Source: John Parker

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