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New 81-unit mid-rise on Eastern launches this weekend

The filling in of the relatively empty space between the Distillery District and the rest of the city is taking another step on Saturday, as Streetcar Developments launches its Trinity Lofts at 2 Eastern at Trinity Street.

The 8-storey plan for 81 lofts and 2 townhouses is set to begin construction this fall for a July, 2012 occupancy. As Streetcar VP Jeanhy Shim points out, this is exactly when the new 18-acre West Don Lands park, currently under construction just to the east, is also scheduled to be completed.

"This is a happening area," Shim says. "There are huge changes coming to this area, and it's happening, it's not just pipe dreams."

The brick building, designed by Giannone Petricone to follow Eastern Avenue's curve, will have 54,000 square feet of residential space, including ground floor retail.

Writer: Bert Archer
Source: Jeanhy Shim

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