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If the shoe fits, make it

An Oakville-based footwear company creates jobs in Ethiopia, but not because its president, Tal Dehtiar, believes in corporate social responsibility.

Mentor, Adrian Cheung at BMO.

Where even time-strapped professionals can find time to help newcomers improve their prospects

Just because it's a breakneck pace doesn't mean it doesn't work. ACCES's speed mentoring program offers new Canadians the chance to make a lot of contacts very quickly. 

Jackie Perri.

A pinker kind of company: How LGBT inclusivity is good for business

Supporting LGBT employees doesn't just make for a more comfortable work environment. Members of the Pride at Work group argue that it also boosts the bottom line.


Shrewd charity: How Toronto+acumen aims to reduce poverty with venture capital

Founded two years ago, the Toronto chapter of a global venture fund has been investing in projects that will improve the quality of life in developing countries. Now they're working on bringing that model back to TO.

Green Living Business Forum

Green nation: Do eco-conscious consumers encourage Canadian corporations to be more eco-friendly?

The Green Living Business Forum is a reminder that both urban habits and urban ingenuity affect the natural environment right across Canada—and the world.  
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