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SickKids cancer care centre gets $30 million gift, funding jobs for 6 researchers

In 1975, Myron and Berna Garron lost their son to paediatric cancer. In the intervening years, the family has donated more than $1.3 million to the Hospital for Sick Children (known as Sick Kids) to support research and treatment of cancers. Now, the family has made what is thought to be the largest private donation in the field to the hospital -- $30 million.

"Our son was treated for cancer at Sick Kids for many years and we will never forget the dedication and level of care he received," the Garrons said in a statement. "We are confident this gift will help create more positive outcomes for cancer patients and their families."

The money will establish the Garron Family Cancer Centre at the hospital and will fund six jobs for researchers through research chairs and scientist/clinician positions. It will also help fund innovative cancer therapy research. "The impact of donations, such as the one from the Garron family, is immeasurable," said Dr. James Whitlock, chief of haematology/oncology at Sick Kids. "This gift helps Sick Kids stay at the forefront of paediatric cancer care and research and will ultimately help children with cancer to live longer, more fulfilling lives."

Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Meredith Sjogren, Communications Associate, SickKids Foundation
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