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Leslieville's Florabunda wins Amex Neighbourhood Gems contest

Leslieville flower market Florabunda has won American Express's Neighbourhood Gems contest, a month long initiative designed to encourage cardholders (and Canadians) to "shop small and make a big difference."
Amex asked Marc Florabunda, who owns the shop with his wife, his thoughts on how the contest has influenced his business and community. He recognized the area's preexisting inclination to shop local and applauded the contest for making buyers more conscious. 
"Shopping small is something that most residents of our Leslieville neighbourhood live and breathe every day, but the Shop Small movement has certainly helped in making even more people aware of how important it is to support the small businesses in their communities. We love that sense of community, and never want to lose that neighbourly feeling!"
Florabunda's win, which was determined via online voting, lands them a social marketing consultation with Facebook and an American Express advertorial in Toronto Life magazine.
Florabunda is located on 1131 Queen Street East at Caroline Avenue. 
For more information, check out Amex's Shop Small Facebook page
Original source: Amex
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