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New tumblr highlights city's most inspirational people

A new tumblr surfaced on the Internet last week and we can't stop checking it out daily to see which Torontonians are making the list. Called We Are Toronto, the tumblr features short profiles and images of people from "luminaries to the people next door, see the faces that make our city shine."
It's the diversity of people captured that makes this blog fascinating, and in a way they're trying to do the same thing we do here at Yonge Street: capture the people who are really making a difference in our city. From small business owners to paramedics, from CEOs to poets, the tumblr reminds us of the good people and good things that are coming out of Toronto. 
The blog encourages people to nominate others from their communities and even included a tribute post to Jack Layton. "This blog has made a point to not post current politicians and remain non-partisan, but the overwhelming amount of nominations for career politico Jack Layton of the NDP and the respect he garnered from friends and foes alike make him a wonderful addition to the site. He’s earned his square here," the tumblr writes.
It has included such people as Peter Munk, architect Frank Gehry and Degrassi creator Linda Schuyler. It also featured Hannah Alper, who we profiled earlier this year.
Check out the full blog here
Original Source: We Are Toronto
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