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Innovation & Job News

Who's Hiring in Toronto? Wattpad, Luminato, TIFF, and more

The most interesting of the opportunities we've seen this week:

The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, based out of MaRS, is looking for an application support specialist to help them manage their MS SQL database, which is shared with hospitals across the province. The position requires project management experience as well as development skills. Also hiring developers is e-reading company Wattpad, which has openings for several engineers and platform developers.

In the cultural sector, the Toronto Media Arts Cluster, whose facility includes workspace, production studios, and galleries, is seeking a development coordinator to manage their new capital campaign, raising funds for a new facility. Non-profit Scarborough Arts, which supports arts programming in that part of the city, is als looking for a development coordinator—in this case a year-long, part-time contract.

Continuing in this realm, the Luminato Festival is hiring a marketing coordinator, and TIFF is hiring a web producer to oversee their web sites year-round. Finally, the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition needs a new executive director to oversee their strategy, programming, and finances.

Meanwhile, for those with an interest in national history, Historica Canada is hiring a senior subject editor for the Canadian Encyclopedia. This editor will focus specifically on articles pertaining to the country's various demographic groups.

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