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Rypple hiring 3 immediately, will "continue to hire" for forseeable future

Rypple, who as we reported last week is aiming to "change the world of work" through its social-media-style human workplace application, could change the world of a few people more directly: according to company head of marketing Jay Goldman, Rypple is hiring for three positions immediately and "will probably just continue to have positions open," for the next year and beyond. "As amazing people apply," Goldman says, "we'll just constantly see how they fit and how the timing is."

The company plans to ramp up rapidly, as noted in last week's feature, after the launch of the 2.0 version of its application and the recent opening of a San Francisco office. Goldman notes that in addition to having the energy and passion associated with start-up enterprises, the company has won awards as the most democratic workplace in the world and offers attractive benefits and perqs.

Goldman suggests interested parties apply using the "Apply Now" button on the website, "but if people have any questions, they can feel free to talk to us on Twitter or by email."

Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Jay Goldman, Head of Marketing, Rypple

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