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Why Pro Athletes Love Toronto

A recent feature in the Wall Street Journal looks at the reasons American pro-athletes are falling in love with Toronto. The city's "international vibe", relative freedom from paparazzi and diverse nightlife are among the many attributes credited with making Toronto so attractive.

"American pro athletes used to think of Toronto as a backwater. High taxes and low temperatures combined with a woeful lack of television exposure back in the States made playing here about as appealing as Canada's national dish of french fries soaked in gravy and cheese curds."

"Today, however, Toronto is a road trip just about every pro athlete looks forward to. Some say the city has a cool, international vibe that increasingly stands out. Some like the plentitude of cheap concert tickets�a boon for athletes with big posses�or the convenience of the must-be-19 drinking law�"

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original source the Wall Street Journal
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