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Don Mills : Featured Stories

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Arlen Leeming, MES Project Manager, Don & Highland Watersheds Toronto & Region Conservation Auth.

Exploring the vitality of Toronto's rivers and history

Reporter Andrew Seale paddles down the Don River in a canoe to better understand how Toronto's various rivers and channels have impacted our city's infrastructure over the years. 

Paddling the Don River

Yonge Street Video Paddles the Don River, Toronto's wild urban park and watershed

In May of each year canoeists take to the Don River and paddle 10km through Toronto's urban wilderness from Don Mills to the Keating Channel. Yonge Street's videographer Darren Alexander floated along for the ride, and so can you.

Mike Brigham

Thousands of green energy jobs have been created in Toronto and Ontario, but challenges remain

Launched in 2009, Ontario's Green Energy Act has seen its share of brown-outs. A World Trade Organization dispute, an inadequate infrastructure, and a vocal anti-wind lobby have all caused problems. But, even still, new green jobs are coming on stream in the GTA and elsewhere in Ontario.

Mary Gordon of Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy, the worldwide program that teaches compassion, has its own roots in Toronto

Roots of Empathy, a little school program that began in Toronto with a mission to "change the world one child at a time," has grown into an internationally successful program backed by no less than the Dalai Lama.
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